
There is nothing wrong with riding to be competitive, or for self-interested reasons. Absolutely none. But, I will never not support the Court Appointed Special Advocates of Tippecanoe County. Why?

Let's talk plainly. The instability of foster care leads to higher instances of learning disabilities, developmental delays, depression and behavioral issues. Children in foster care have a higher risk of experiencing substance abuse, mental illnesses, pregnancy and homelessness once they "age out," often due to instability in their formative years that comes from not having a permanent, caring home. But research independent from the National CASA Association has found that children who were assigned a #CourtAppointedSpecialAdvocate volunteer had a higher chance of being placed in a safe home, a higher chance to graduate high school, higher instances of accessing programs that would provide enrichment, and have a plan for permanency once they turned 18 years old. Why do I point this out? The fact remains that children cannot parent themselves, they cannot advocate for their best needs, they do not learn appropriate skills and behaviors when they are abandoned to the desolate court system. So no matter your political beliefs in regards to government subsidies, etc., etc., whine, whine, remember that a simple volunteer can speak up for the best interest of their case will reduce the chance that 400,000 children in foster care will require continued reliance on the government once they are expected to be functioning members of society. #giveashit Consider supporting my bike ride at the 24-Hour Cycling Challenge for the CASAs for Kids Fund: http://tinyurl.com/bikingmolly (linkinbio) #CASAsforKids
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I could be highly competitive and gnarly. I could go test my limits at one of the RAAM-qualifiers. But I chose to stay in This Small City, to give back, to give a shit.

The CASAs for Kids Fund will be accepting donations through August 30th - my donation page is here.


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